Monday, January 7, 2013

Colombia and Israel: Capital’s “Promised Land.”

“Colombia has been selected by the God of Capital to assert his reign.”

It’s not even a secret anymore that “praiseworthy” deep political, commercial and military relationships have been established between the government of Colombia and Israel. Many say, “Relations between brothers, for the same ends.”

What’s certain is that the recent purchases of military equipment (24 Kfir warplanes – copies of the French Mirage) and other types of arms, as well as the training received by officers of the Colombian Army and paramilitary groups from the United Self Defense of Colombia (AUC) in Israel – as mentioned above – exposes the reality that the Colombian people face the same fate as the Palestinians.
To say that Colombia has been “Israelized” is not an exaggeration, even less is it an invention. It’s the sad and painful truth. The reality and history of our [Colombian] brothers backs it up. Let’s take a look.

Israel Smells Oil
Religious pretexts are obvious, such as the supposed “promised land” put forth by the Zionists in order to influence the international Christian community and justify (under “divine right”) the usurpation of Palestinian lands. In this case, for their [Colombian] brothers, the pretexts include the displacement and usurpation of lands belonging to Colombian farmers for the benefit of the Colombian oligarchy and the North American transnationals – something that cannot be of religious character, not to mention the absurdity in the paraphrase: “A land without people, for an oligarchy and transnationals without land.” No, this time, the justifications are different but the methods remain the same. For instance…

The Crypto President Of Columbia
The infamous “Democratic Security Plan” of the bootlicking godfather Uribe manifests itself concretely in Plan Colombia. There, the displacement of the Colombian farmer, through infinitely expanding “security” boundaries, is the policy invoked by the Colombian government as its supposed reason for avoiding civilian casualties in the clashes between the military and the guerrillas, as well as denying the same insurgent groups the possibility of resupplying themselves (basically, with food). But we know very well how removed the Colombian government is from any pretense of concern for the human rights of its campesinos.

These lands have been taken, in reality, by the huge North American transnationals (banana companies such as “Chiquita” and the oil companies such as ExxonMobil) and the landowners (the Colombian oligarchy) for their usurious ends, at the cost of terror and misery for the large majority. In order to accomplish this inhuman goal, mercenary paramilitary forces are being used (on behalf of the State, the oligarchy and the transnationals), something we know thanks to the numerous denunciations from many brave unionists, people from the country, and Colombian journalists. Using terrorism and death, the campesino has been expelled from his land. Now at last, the lands without people can be taken by the transnationals and the landowners.

These methods originated with their mentor: Zionism. They came from Irgún and Hagana, among other Israeli terrorist organizations, the great inspirers and fathers of the Colombian paramilitary. The methods used in the past by these mercenary forces and which continue being used now by the Zionist army, to throw the Palestinian people out of their land by means of terror and death, are today serving their good students, the Colombian mercenaries. This we know by way of one of the best of their disciples, Carlos Castaño.

The numbers of displaced Colombians are another thing that reveals the great similarities between the catastrophe experienced by this people as well as the Palestinians. Today the number of displaced Palestinians surpasses 5 million within and outside of Palestine. An article published by London’s BBC on February 4, 2005, by Hector Latorre, says: “the numbers [from Colombia] differ depending on who is distributing them, but it’s calculated that at least 2 million people have been obliged to abandon their homes and head for other cities because of the armed conflict.”

This, without taking into account the thousands of Colombians who’ve gone to live outside of Colombia, in Venezuela, in Ecuador, and other countries, thanks to the current conflict.

But capital’s ultimate objective goes beyond the acquisition of Palestinian and Colombian territory. The ultimate objective is the expansion and the control of markets and energy reserves in the region.

Israel’s barbaric intrusion in Latin America has surpassed the limits of shamelessness, and goes beyond Colombia. We could fill page after page with data documenting the reality that is now forcefully attacking the people’s tranquility in the region. In Nicaragua there’s the training of the mercenaries, grouped as the infamous Contras; in El Salvador, the training in “methods of torture” for that country’s officers; in Pinochet’s Chile; in Guatemala, Argentina and El Salvador, supporting, arming and advising the respective genocidal governments of the recent past; and in 2002, international Zionism (Israel) was a co-participant in the coup perpetrated in Venezuela against Commandante Chávez, through mercenaries armed by the Israeli trafficker Isaac Peres Recao, the de facto president, Pedro Carmona Estanga (Sephardic Jew) and their accomplices: the rabbi Pinchas Brener and the mayor Capriles Radonsky (the latter two, Ashkenazy Jews).

This article is a concise detailing of the history of complicity and direct intervention by the illegal and genocidal state of Israel in the entire [Latin American] region.

Israel: a cancer that threatens to extend itself around the entire globe, reproducing itself in lackey governments like that of Colombia.
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