Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cornell University


Blacks Aren't Welcome
A Black Is Viciously Stabbed By A Cornell Student.

An Israeli On Scholarship?

Cornell's Exclusive Club
Cornell admits to a 28% Jewish student body, but unofficially, it is closer to 50%. President Skorton watches over his flock.
Scholarships are for that 'Special Crowd'.


Nathan Explodes In A Vicious Frenzy
He had been at a frat party with a girlfriend, and as he left, he came across three blacks from another college, and the arrogant Nathan started berating them. When they refused to leave, he pulled out a knife and stabbed a Charles Holiday.

Nathan's Date
He was supposedly with a young lady, and she may have witnessed the stabbing.

Cornell's  Elitism
The Cornell crowd often refers to local blacks as 'Towel Boys or Townie  Baboons', and feel they have no right being on Cornell's campus.


Nathan Wrote For Campus Paper "Turn Left"
A hotbed of liberal politics, and a pro-Zionist school paper, which devotes a good amount of press to the fate of Israel.
Israelis at Cornell. 5

Student Attacked
Charles Holiday, a student at Union College, was at a black sorority campus party when Nathan, in a rage, allegedly said "You f**king baboons don't belong on this campus". With that, Nathan plunged a knife into Holiday's chest.


Cornell Is A Cauldron Of Racial Hate
Michelle Berry, Ithaca City Councilwoman and Cornell alum, was also in the audience. She argued that this was not an isolated incident, referring to other acts of violence against blacks.

“I’ve found this to be the most racist place I’ve lived in my entire life,” Berry said, “and I have lived in the deep South.”  She and others recounted their experiences with racism on the Cornell campus.

Fellow Students
Nathan is Cornell.

Seems Everyone Is Silent
Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton know not to touch this one. They are busy 'counseling' folks like Abbie Richards/Kremer of TVs Seinfeld.

Abe Foxman
The ADL's whole being revolves around 'Hate Crimes', but oddly Abe Foxman has no comment.

District Attorney Gwen Wilkerson
Poffenbarger faced one count of first-degree assault as a hate crime, three counts of second-degree assault as a hate crime and one count of tampering with physical evidence.

Electronic Trigger points to Israel
Natalee Holloway
Oklahoma City Bombing
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