George Washington University
Under Hate Watch
Swastikas Painted On Jewish
George Washington University Is
30% Jewish
Sarah Marshak Drew Them Herself

Swastikas Appeared Three Weeks Ago
Student newspaper reporters have followed the story for weeks.
Thirty percent of GW students are Jewish," said an editor.
Jewish Girl Suspected
On Monday, she admitted to the vandalism. "It's a big story. Sarah
Marshak, a George Washington University freshman, was caught on tape
by a hidden video camera in the sixth incident of swastika drawing on
her dormitory door.
Marshak told the university's student newspaper that she drew the last
three of the six swastikas.
The girl herself did it
University President
Steven Knapp has decided not to
punish the young Jewess.
Others Students Are Charged
Another student was caught and charged Saturday with drawing
swastikas and racial slurs in another dormitory. He has been barred
from campus.
Students Are Stunned
They claim that the Jewish girl may have done the last three
swastikas, but the first three were Nazis.
Meanwhile In Iraq
White kids from Montana are killed by remote control bombs.
Something Isn't Right Here
A 18 yr old Chris Wagner joined the National Guard for college money,
and he winds up in Iraq. A 18 year old Heim Goldstein, with a C+ average
gets a scholarship to George Washington University, and draws swastikas
on doors.
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