Today's Currencies Are All Fiat
That is just a paper IOU, with no collateral.
Status Of An IOU
It might be ok to lend Donald Trump $10,000, but your out of work
cousin is a mistake.
Russian Ruble
A country can be worthless. When Russia collapsed the Ruble fell
100,000%. You went to bed with a million dollars in the bank and woke
up with ten dollars.
Commodity Currency
That says you currency is backed by a hard commodity. That can be
lumber, oil, cattle, flour, or whatever.
The Barter System Can't Work
It's just too complicated finding the source of two people having
the exact items each other wants.
You Need A Commodity Based Currency
That means it government controlled, and stored in a vault. Picture
storing lumber, oil, chickens, cows, etc at Fort Knox, and you quickly
see why it has to be gold.
How Do You Determine The Value
That's just all the currency and debt divided by the gold supply.
It roughly works out to $40,000 an ounce.
When Does This Happen
Just like Russia, the US and the world, will have an economic
Who Owns The Gold?
The world's gold supply is supposedly 1/3 Central Banks, 1/3
individuals, and 1/3 dealers. In reality the Zionists have bought or
leased most of the central bank's gold, own 99% of the gold
mines, and have bought most of the other stocks.
The Timing
After the Iran-Persian Gulf war. Israel false flags a nuke on a US
city, Bush nukes Iran, the Zionists gain control of the mideast's oil
supplies, and the international bankers tank the world's economies.
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