Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hagee's Annual Israeli Friendship Conference

Jewish Choir Entertains The 3000 Guests

Evangelists Give One Million To Jewish Causes

Christian Zionists rally in San Antonio

Hagee Started His love Of Israel In 1981
In 1981, televangelist John Hagee put on the first Night to Honor Israel at his church in San Antonio. The Jewish state just bombed Iraq's nuclear facility and the world was incensed, so Rev Hagee held a pro Israel Jamboree. 
Hagee's Annual Fundraiser
Twenty-five years later, Hagee, still pushes his hate , he now advocates a US strike on Iran.  His Night to Honor Israel, a three day event, advances the message that Israel and America, are in danger.
'Christians United for Israel'
CUFI, a lobbying group Hagee established nine months ago, presented the event. It was billed as the first “national” Night to Honor Israel.
Hagee has scheduled similar events in Berkeley, Sacramento and Pasadena, Calif.; St. Louis; Arvada, Colo.; and Carlsbad, N.M..
Hagee Has conferences for fellow ministers
Now Hagee has conferences that focus on other Christian ministers from across the country, many of them representing  mega-churches like his own. He sprinkles the event with Jews from around the world.
Hagee has elevated his Christian Zionist movement to a political movement, where his flock use their vote as political clout.
Guest Speakers At Annual Fundraiser
Hagee has some of Israel's most despicable individuals speak at his weekend conference. He has  former CIA director James Woolsey;  Israeli Defense Forces, Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon; and Joseph Ginat, director of the Strategic Dialogue Center at the Netanya Academic College in Israel, give intelligence briefings.
Islam Hates Us Because We Are Good
3,000 people attended the three-hour-plus briefing, where they were told of the Jihadic “Islamofascism” that is out to destroy western civilization.
Woolsey said America is at war with a new enemy. He told the crowd, “They hate us not for what we’ve done wrong but what we do right,” Woolsey said. “They hate us for our freedom.”
Iran Will Nuke America In Ten Months
Jewish analysts, such as Joseph Ginat,  warned that the West has only six to 10 months to take military action against Iran. A strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities is a must.
“In the culture of the Arab world, there is a dimension known as the culture of lies,” said Ginat.
A grim picture
Gen Halutz painted a grim picture of an ongoing war that he said had already started between the West and radical Islam, one he said will go on for generations. “The war is clash of cultures.  Israel which supports compassion, human rights and dignity, freedom, against Islam, who glorify death -- death for any freedom.”

Hagee Has Ex PLO Terrorists Speak
Two Arab speakers, Brigitte Gabriel, a the author of Why They Hate, described herself as a “Lebanese Zionist” and recounted traumatic episodes growing up as a Lebanese Christian during the civil war in Lebanon. Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist who converted to Christianity and is the author of Why I Left Jihad, also drew on his personal experiences.
Cells Hide In Mosques
Gabriel said Israel’s enemies are America’s, warned of Hamas cells in the United States -- “Hamas has the largest infrastructure on American soil” -- and declared, “Our enemy is in Islamic mosques throughout the U.S.”

Shoebat was just as explicit in his denunciation of Islam. There are peaceful Muslims, he conceded, but said those were the Muslims who knew little about their religion. “Our job is to liberate 1.2 billion Muslims and sometimes it has to be with a baseball bat,” Shoebat said, who compared Islam to Nazism.
Normal People Find This Presentation Frightening
Susan Ives, of the Interfaith Peace Center in San Antonio, a critic of Hagee said 'The whole affair is very frightening.'
“I’ve never been in any placed that called itself a Christian setting where there was such hatred,” Ives said.
“If I were a Muslim, I would have been very, very afraid at the end of those four hours. They were depicting Islam as a hateful religion at the very least, especially the two Arab speakers. But almost every single one of them talked about Islam as a religion of liars.”
Christian Zionists see Christ returning to Israel, and his favor will fall on those who support the Jews.
Hagee's Event Is A Carnival
Hagee celebrates Sukkot, there is a carnival, Jewish dancers, food booths and a marketplace selling goods by scores of Israeli vendors. An Israeli choir sang at the regular Sunday services and the concluding celebration.

His Extravaganza Had Holocaust Survivors
Survivors told of Jews being burned alive. Many Sonderkommados returned to see Jews fighting to crawl out of ovens!!
Jewish Singers
The Church choir sang Jewish songs, marched around in robes, in the dark, holding candles.  They sang. “Israel, you are not alone. Not only are you not alone, you are loved. Let it be known in Tehran!"
Video Screens Show Israeli Heroes.
Messages Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the congregation and Hagee.
In his keynote address, Malcolm Hoenlein, condemned Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, who said Jews controlled the US Government. 
Israeli Critics Were Not Tolerated
Critics of Christian Zionists say supporting Israel, is supporting international terror. Jews can get away with butchering children in Lebanon, and Palestine, because of people like Hagee.
“The dangers of Christian Zionism haven’t been talked about,” said Art Preisinger, a retired Lutheran minister and history professor attending the celebration at Cornerstone Church.

Jews In Attendance Were Ecstatic
Shimon Katansky, said nobody should be telling Israel what to do. “Israel belongs to the Jewish people. The Palestinians might have property deeds, but property deeds don’t mean anything to me.”

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