Monday, January 7, 2013

Mysterious Fire Points To Israel


1,000 Egyptians were killed when this ship sank.



Ship Sailed From Duba, Saudi Arabia To Safaga, Egypt



Crowds Await News of Survivors

The Story Is Too Convoluted To Be Believed
The ship caught fire within minutes of leaving Duba, but the Captain sailed on. When the fire got out of control, the Captain commandeered a lifeboat, and the ship developed a mysterious list, and quickly rolled over.
This is set in the same tone as Egyptair 990, where NY newspapers said a pilot went insane, and dove a Boeing 767 into the ocean, as he screamed "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" (God is great).

The Official Story
'Witnesses' say the ship caught fire minutes after leaving port, but the Captain sailed on for two hours as the fire blazed. Other anonymous witnesses say the Captain commandeered the first lifeboat, as women and children stood by.
The ferry sailed on for two hours listing to the side. Then it just went onto its side, and within five minutes it had sunk.

Fire Breaks Out Below Decks
The fire broke out on the first deck that held cars.

Egyptians Are Angry

This was a holiday passage to celebrate the Muslim Hajji. People in the crowd blamed the 'Invisible hand' of Israel.


What Really Happened
The Israeli Mossad probably loaded a truck full of phosphorus video and magnesium, which are extremely difficult to put out, onto the ferry. They used this to start a massive fire when the ship was between ports. This was most likely used in conjunction with a small bomb, near a boiler, on the starboard side.
Israel had ships in the area, but Egypt told them to stay away. The ship had recently had maintenance work done to it in an Israeli port. Crew members battled the blaze, but it kept reigniting, they said.
The ship developed a list, and within minutes it rolled over.

Everything Points To Israel
Trucks carry magnesium, fires that restarted, four vehicles involved. The ridiculous story that a Captain sailed away from port, for two hours, while the fire burned, and the Captain deserted by commandeering a lifeboat.
This ship suffered a catastrophic failure, and that's why no SOS was sent.
This also follows on the heels of Egyptair 990, Taba, Luxor, and the massacre at Saham Al-Sharif.

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