Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Religious Tolerance – Theirs’ and Ours’

Last year, while commenting on America’s Hate Bill, House majority leader, Steny Hoyer said “brutal hate crimes motivated by race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation and identity or disability not only injure individual victims, but also terrorize entire segments of our population and tear at our nation’s social fabric.
According to FBI Website says – “Investigating hate crime is the number one priority of our Civil Rights Program. Why? Not only because hate crime has a devastating impact on families and communities, but also because groups that preach hatred and intolerance plant the seeds of terrorism here in our country.”
However, judging by the amount of daily thrash is thrown daily against Islam and 7-11 million Muslims in the US and over 1.7 billion around the world - it appears that the bill in question is only meant to protect groups such as homoexuals, Jews, and Islamophobes – David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Rev. John Hagee, Rev. Pat Robertson, Rev. Garaham Jr., and Michael Savage of Savage Nation talk show, said – “You can shove it up your pipe. I don’t wanna hear anymore about Islam. I don’t wanna hear one more word about Islam. Take your religion and shove it up your behind. I’m sick of you.” His message is broadcast by 1,200 radio shows owned by notorious Islamophobic corporation Clear Channel.
This religious intolerance sponsored by the bigots with their loyaties toward a foreign country (Israel) is having a field day these days to belittle Democrat presidential nominee, Barak Obama, who profess to be Christian and has been licking Jewish Lobby’s feet since he enter US politics. In the July 2008 issue of the New Yorker Magazine had on its front page a political caricature of Barak and Michelle Obama. The couple is standing in the middle of the Oval Office. Obama is wearing a traditional Islamic dress with turban and sandals and Michelle wearing Angela Davis style afro and a guerilla fatigue with an M-16 hanging from her back. Looking over them is an Africa-American looking picture of Usama Bin Laden hanging over the fire place where the American flag is set on flames.
Recently, 28 million DVDs of the anti-Islam propaganda film “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” were distributed by New York based group, The Clarion Fund.
On September 5, 2008 – The head of Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Abraham Foxman, said that Christianity teaches religious hatred.
It would be interesting for the unbaised Judeo-Christians to learn that when in power – how Muslims treated the religious minority groups living within their societies.
Prof. Maria Rosa Menocal in her book, “The Ornament of the World” wrote:
For several hundreds of years – that’s a very long time for a good thing to last! – Tolerance was a liberal and productive understanding of what is called the dhimma in Arabic, the ‘covenant’ that is part of Islamic religious law that mandates the protection of the two other ‘People of the Book,’ or dhimmi, as Christians and Jews are called, when they live under Muslim sovereignty. The dhimma was interpreted in a particularly benign and generous way by the first rulers of Islamic Spain (711-1492). Most important, however, is that Muslims, Christians, and Jews did not have separate cultures based on religious differences but rather were part of a broad and expansive culture that had incorporated elements of all their tradition, a culture that all could and did participate in regardless of their religion. Writing poetry in Arabic was what educated people did, not just Muslims …
Francis Ghiles in scientific Journal, Nature, wrote – At its peak about one thousand years ago, the Muslim world made a remarkable contribution to science, notably mathematics and medicine. Baghdad in its heyday and southern Spain built universities to which thousands flocked. [Muslim] rulers surrounded themselves with scientists and artists. A spirit of freedom allowed Jews, Christians, and Muslims to work side by side. Today all this is but a memory.

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