Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Best Democracy a Lobby can buy

“The essence of Neo-conservatism is the protection of Israel – a shared priority with evangelical Christians,” – Paul Erickson, the Ruplican strategist, who managed Pat Buchanan’s presidential bid in 1992.
United States’ democracy is based on two-party system, Repulican and Democrat – both political parties have always been controlled by foreign and local interest or Christian fundamental groups. The contestants for the top and the second position from the both parties – have been addressing the interests of the powerful foreign Lobbist groups more than the needs of American public in vast economic disparity, lack of easy access to education, medicare, housing, immigration, and employment (for Afro-Americans, Latino, etc.). For example:
“I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Let there be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel,” – Barack Obama, Democrat presidential candidate for November 4 Election – told Israel Lobby (AIPAC) in June in Washington DC.
Obama’s running-mate, Biden, is a professed Christian Zionist, who son is married to a Zionist Jewess. He appealed in person to elderly Jewish Floridians in September – “I am Chairman of the Senate  Foreign Relations Committee. I give you my word as a Biden I would not have given up that job to be Barack Obama’s vice-president if I did not in my gut and in my heart and in my head know that Barack Obama is exactly where I am on Israel. And he is.”
Republican nominee for November 4 Election, John McCaine told Israel Lobby (AIPAC) audience on September 1, 2008 – “ A meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would lead to anti-Semitic rant and a worldwide audience for a man who denies Holocaust (which he never did – though he did challenged the numbers, Six Millions).”
Here is what Matthews Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Alliance, had to say about John McCain’s running-mate: “The fact that she keeps the flag of Israel in her office means she has Israel in her heart. I am sure the Jewish community will be impressed with the strong pro-Israel views of Governor Palin as she begins to travel the country…..”
Governor Sarah Palin is a radical Christian fundamentalist, who would love to establish Theocracy in the US. David Brickner, who runs ‘Jews for Jesus’ group – is close friend of Palin. David and his group has been accused by Abraham Foxman, president of pro-Israel ADL – “being aggressive and deceptives”.
British well-known columnist and author, Robert Fisk, wrote in The Independent, on August 2, 2008 – “Every US presidential candidate has to make the pilgrimage to the Wailing Wall, to Yad Vashem, to some Israeli town or village that has taken casualties, to talk about Israel’s security, etc. That doesn’t mean, we are always told, that Israel is going to have it easy once the president is elected. Wrong. Israel is going to have it easy. Because no sooner he is elected than he will be enmeshed in the Middle East tragedy and be forced to take sides – Israel of course – and then it will be time for the next election, so the president’s hands will be tied again and he will be talking about Israel’s security and we will be back on the same old itinerary….”
As the election day is approaching fast – I would leave it to the voters within America’s largest religious minority – Muslims – to pick the ‘lesser evil’ for next occupant of the White House – as like the rest of US voters – they too don’t have other alternative.

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