Monday, January 7, 2013

The California Experiment Is Over
The state is saturated with different cultures, so it is a tinder box for a Zio-Instigated civil war. Today California is 40% white, and at least 60% non-white.  And rest assured that 3% are just out and out criminals. And there is no easy solution to the fiscal crisis.
If California was a country, then you could just declare bankruptcy, void the currency, start a mass deportation program, confiscate all the property, and redistribute the wealth. Naturally there would be a series of 'Re-Education Camps' for the people responsible.
If it was the old west, you would have a cattle baron that stole the ranches, town businesses, and his massive ranch. The answer is simple, you just arrest him, and his cohorts, and give the property back to the people.

A $25,000 Film Grossed $100 Million

The Jewish Co-Star Harry Reems

The Yenta Starlet

Director Gerard Damiano Gerard (nee Morton)

Aren't They Special
In this attempt re-writing the 'Zio-History of filmmaking', these fools attempt to convince us that the movie 'Deep Throat' was basically Yiddish art. Today's nonsense du jour is that there was an internal power struggle within the FBI to forbid all porno.

Attempting To Turn Porn Into ArtDeep throat was about a frustrated Yenta that couldn't find her clitoris, so she went to Doctor Goldstein and found it was in her throat.   She became the doctors assistant and providing oral sex to his patients.

The StarletThe starlet was Linda Lovelace (nee Naomi Bateman), she was famous for her bestiality, and group urination movies. 7

Hoover Said 'Get Them'
The FBI documents newly released to The Associated Press reveal the bureau's sprawling and ultimately vain attempt to stop the spread of a movie some saw as the victory of a cultural and sexual revolution and others saw as simply decadent.

Watergate's 'Deepthroat'The FBI investigated the porno movie "Deep Throat," the case touched the highest levels of the FBI, even its second-in-command W. Mark Felt, the shadowy Watergate informant whose "Deep Throat" alias came from his meetings with Woodward and Bernstein.
Many speculated the Felt's nickname came from his alleged proclivity for bi-sexuality. 

Allan DershowitzThe star of Deep Throat was a Jewish boy named Harry Reems  (nee Herbie Striechter), a New York boy who was arrested in Memphis Tennessee.  Alan Dershowitz rushed down there before some old South Christians strung up this AIDS addled parasite. 9

Hollywood Flocked To Tennessee
The charges against Reems were dropped in August. Reems's defense claimed that he was the first American actor to be prosecuted by the Federal government merely for appearing in a film, and he received considerable support from established Hollywood and New York celebrities during his trial.

Today's Zionist Professors  Call It A "Cultural Revolution"
"Today we can't imagine authorities at any level of government — local, state or federal — being involved in obscenity prosecutions of this kind," said Mark Weiner, a constitutional law professor and legal historian at Rutgers-Newark School of Law. "The story of 'Deep Throat' is the story of the last gasp of the forces lined up against the cultural and sexual revolution and it is the advent of the entry of pornography into the mainstream." 4


California Liberal
E. Shem Volokh, a law professor at UCLA, said the oddity of the scope of the investigation into "Deep Throat" is a reflection of very different times. "The 1972 investigation maybe borderline anti-Semitism."



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