Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The “Mission Accomplished” after five years

A few months after the downfall of America’s former “best friend” Saddam Hussain in 2003 – Dubyia Bush made his famous declaration: “The Mission has been accomplished” However, even after five years – Bush would not dare to visit Baghdad as Iran’s president Dr. Ahmadinejad did this year – announced in advance and drove through the city in car – while the president of world’s sole superpower, the head of Iraq’s occupation,  and Israel’s “best friend” move only in helicopter.

Washington and its puppet regime of Nouri al-Maliki knows very well that they could not bring stability into occupied Iraq without the blessings of Tehran. John McCain is fooling himself to believe that it’s the American soldiers who have succeeded in bringing more stability by reducing numbers of American soldiers killed in may (21) the lowest monthly casualties since 2004. In fact it was Iranian influence which forced Muqtada al-Sadr to accept the latest ceasefire after US forces’ attack on Mehdi Army in Basra in March 25, 2008. Iran is playing a more and more overt role and doesn’t want to see an intra-Shia civil war between Tehran-based ISCI and the Sadrists.

Both Tehran and Damascus are not afraid of American forces in Iraq. In fact, they want them to keep fighting Iraqi resistance groups – in order that Washington doesn’t turn its guns on them to please Tel Aviv.

According to American intelligence report – the five parties supporting Nouri al-Maliki would certainly loose in the coming provincial elections set for October. Al-Sadr’s party is expected to grab 60% of the votes.

The main supporters of Nouri al-Maliki’s government are the US and Iran. From the Iranian point of view the present Shia-Kurdish government in Baghdad is the best that could be for their regional interests. It does not want to overthrow Maliki, but it does want to reduce American influence on him. So much so that Iraqi president President Jalal Talabani twice went to see Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Quds brigade of the Iranian  Revolutionary Guard on the Iraq-Iran border, though Bush’s Zionist administration has declared the Quds brigade as terrorists orchestrating attacks on US  forces in Iraq.

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