13 (worst) companies who support Israel’s policies:

In October a very successful conference was held in Toronto sponsored by the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid. One outcome was the organization of action committees of campus, labour, and faith groups to seek ways to call for divestment from Israel and from companies that support the Occupation of the Palestinian territories.
The issue of a consumer boycott, however, has not yet received much attention. In the September issue of this newsletter – Boycott – Divestment – Sanctions: A Movement Whose Time Has Come – I provided links to many sites that have listed companies to boycott (http://users.sgci.com/~peacenews/2006Sept.html). But now that the holiday shopping season is upon us, I realized that the information wasn’t in a handy format for consumers. So in this issue I’ve profiled 13 of the worst offending companies, as a reference guide for peace activists who want to make their consumer dollar matter.
But first, on a positive note, some suggestions on what TO buy.
* Please DO buy goods from small local producers where possible.
* Please DO buy books from Canadian publishers.
* Please DO buy fairly traded goods. (And please note that "fair trade" isn’t always what it appears. If it’s coming from a company like Starbucks, be a little suspicious. A lengthy profile on Starbucks appears in these pages.)
* Please DO buy Palestinian olive oil, soaps, wood carvings etc., that are marketed by trusted fair trade sources such as Zatoun and Ten Thousand Villages. For readers in Kitchener-Waterloo, I will be distributing Zatoun olive oil locally. Contact me at the e-mail above, or write to orders@zatoun.com for the distributor nearest you.
* And DO check out the Buy Nothing Christmas site: http://www.buynothingchristmas.org
13 companies with the worst record for supporting Israel’s policies:
General Electric ----------------------------- CATerpillar
The Home Depot ---- The Limited
Starbucks ------------------------------------ McDonald’s
Estée Lauder ---------------L’Oréal
Delta Galil ------- Marks & Spencer -------- Sara Lee
Coca-Cola ---------------------- Intel
Additional companies you may wish to boycott, that I haven’t profiled here, are:
Danone (yogurt, HP, Lea & Perrins, Evian water, Jacob biscuits),
Kimberly-Clark (Kleenex, Kotex, Huggies),
Johnson & Johnson, Nokia, Nestlé, and Timberland.
Most of this information has come from the site http://www.imopa.ca/boycott.htm . (Note that the site to which this page is linked has not been updated since 2003, so there may be small changes in the companies’ activities since then.) The information on General Electric and CATerpillar is from more recent sources.
If you do decide to boycott a company, the impact is increased a hundredfold if you contact the company to inform them that you are boycotting them and why.
Many of the companies listed here were recipients of Israel’s "Jubilee Awards" given on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the State in 1998. The complete list of recipients can be seen at http://www.inminds.com/boycott-jubilee-awards.html . The award recognized those "that have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy." Prime Minister Netanyahu called it "the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel".
* * * * *
Some very notable new books on Israel-Palestine have come out, that remind us all of the violent foundations upon which the State of Israel was formed and continues to exist:
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter (yes, the former President)
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe (distinguished Israeli historian)
The One-State Solution: A Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock by Virginia Tilley (American political scientist working in S. Africa)
These would make good additions to the DO buy list – for ourselves or others, as well as for our libraries.
The British group Jews for Justice for Palestinians has a good backgrounder on Israel-Palestine at http://www.jfjfp.org/background.htm . They also have an excellent page of FAQs on the consumer boycott at http://www.jfjfp.org/BackgroundR/cbsi2.htm .
Its concluding words are:
Don’t worry that you are only one person:
Live your life as though it matters, and it will matter.
On that note, let me wish for us all a just and peaceful holiday season and New Year!
Eleanor Grant
General Electric
As both a billion-dollar arms dealer and owner of the NBC network, America’s General Electric is uniquely positioned to profit from the new arms race – and simultaneously to influence what the public knows about the weapons buildup.
GE had aircraft-engine sales in excess of $2 billion during 1996. That’s not an insubstantial amount – yet it’s only 2 percent of the corporate giant’s $79.1 billion in overall sales that year. GE remains one of the world’s three largest jet-engine makers (besides Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce PLC), and subcontracts extensively to Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and other leading aircraft and helicopter manufacturers.
General Electric makes engines for Boeing’s Apache Helicopters – AH 64s – used by the Israeli military to strafe Palestinian civilians as well as to bomb Lebanon.
See GE’s big-money deals with Egypt, Kuwait, and Israel: (
Two deals with Kuwait were arranged through the Pentagon’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, a convenient, tax-funded brokerage.
Please do not buy GE appliances.
More at: http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_reports/arms/ge.html
Peace activists have been calling for a boycott and divestment from the CATerpillar company since one of its bulldozers was used in the murder of Rachel Corrie in 2002.
CAT armoured bulldozers are still being employed to uproot ancient olive groves and demolish homes in the Occupied Territories. Please see this site for the latest violations of international law: http://www.catdestroyshomes.org/article.php?list=type&type=3 .
The company also openly advertises its bulldozers in military conflict zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq. And many bulldozers sent to Israel are actually paid for by the US taxpayer as part of Washington’s substantial contribution to Israel’s defense budget.
Please do not buy boots, caps, T-shirts, jackets, or toys from CATerpillar or displaying the CATerpillar logo. Some are sold under Dolcis, Barratts, River Island, John Lewis and Schuh labels.
More at: www.waronwant.org/caterpillar
and http://www.redpepper.org.uk/KYE/x-kye-May2005.htm
The Home Depot
The Home Depot is the world’s largest home improvement retailer and the second largest retailer in the United States, with sales of $45.7 billion.
Its founder, and Co-Chairman of the Board Bernard Marcus is an active Zionist. He is on the board of directors of Emet, the pro-Israel media ‘War Room’ whose function is to ensure that all media in the US stays biased in favour of Israel.
The World
August 18, 2001
"A group of American business and political leaders are building a pro-Israel media ‘war room’ in Washington, D.C. The group will be called Emet – which in Hebrew means ‘truth’.
"Emet will try to address biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and also make the case that the conflict, while serious and important, pales in comparison to the larger geo-strategic threat posed to the United States and the West by Iran and Iraq, both of whom are trying to build and/or acquire weapons of mass destruction.
(Ever wonder where those ‘truths’ came from? – Ed.)
"Funding Emet is Leonard Abramson; he sold U.S. Healthcare to Aetna in the mid-1990s for $8.9 billion. Abramson has recruited a powerful board of directors, including:
Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot,
Les Wexner, founder of The Limited (see below),
Edgar Bronfman Sr., who once owned Seagram’s,
Lou Ranieri, a major Wall Street player who now co-owns one of Israel’s largest banks, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN,
and Jack Kemp." (Kemp was the running-mate of Bob Dole in the 1996 presidential election – Google him for lots of Zionist connections.)
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Home Depot retail stores
EXPO Design Centers
Villager’s Hardware stores
Apex Supply Company
Georgia Lighting
Maintenance Warehouse
National Blinds & Wallpaper
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-home-depot.html
The Limited
The Limited, Inc. was founded by Leslie H. Wexner in 1963 in Columbus, Ohio. The Company has since grown to over 2,800 stores and five major specialty retail brands. The Limited also own approximately 84% of Intimate Brands, Inc., the leading specialty retailer of intimate apparel, beauty and personal care products through the Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, and White Barn Candle Company brands. The Company employs over 115,000 associates.
* Its founder, president and CEO Les Wexner is a Zionist. He is on the board of directors of Emet, the pro-Israel Media "War Room" whose function is to ensure that all media in the US stays biased in favour of Israel. (For more on Emet, please see the item on The Home Depot above.)
* In 1984, Les Wexner who is one of the world’s 200 wealthiest people created the Wexner Foundation. Its mission statement is "strengthening Jewish Leadership in North America and Israel."
Activities of the Wexner Foundation:
* the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program, which annually brings up to ten Israeli officials to Harvard for a year long MPA program coupled with intensive leadership development institutes. Over 135 Israeli officials have participated thus far. Many alumni of the Israel Fellowship program went on to hold high offices in Israeli government ministries and the Israeli Defense Forces.
* "Birthright Israel" – a program that pays for young American Jews to take free indoctrination trips to Israel.
* It is also a long-standing supporter of Hillel – promoter of Zionism on campus.
* In April 2003, a document prepared by the PR firm Luntz Research for the Wexner Foundation which can be described as a "A Zionist’s guide on how to manipulate the US public" was leaked. Its recommendations are based on two "dial test" sessions, in which subjects were asked to rate language using a simple dial mechanism, held in Chicago and Los Angeles during the first ten days of the Iraq war.
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Intimate Brands:
(Bath & Body Works, White Barn Candle Company, Victoria’s Secret)
Express (667 stores)
The Limited (389 stores)
Lerner New York (560 stores)
Structure (469 stores)
New York and Company (79 stores)
Mast Industries (apparel manufacturer)
Henri Bendel (Fifth avenue – single store)
Hollinger Publishing
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-limited.html
Starbucks was founded in 1971 and has over 4,700 locations around the world.
It is traded on Nasdaq since 1992, and has a current market capitalization of $7.8 billion.
In addition to coffee, Starbucks sells tea, pastries, ice creams, other food and beverages, and coffee accessories. The company also has an on-line store as well as selling directly to restaurants, businesses, airlines, and hotels.
Howard Shultz, the chairman of Starbucks is an active Zionist.
* In 1998 Howard Schultz was honoured by the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah with "The Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award" for "playing a key role in promoting close alliance between the United States and Israel". Activities of Aish HaTorah’s Jerusalem Fund include:
* sponsoring Israeli arms fairs, which aim "to strengthen the special connection between the American, European and Israeli defense industries" and "to showcase the newest Israeli innovations in defense".
* sponsoring the propaganda website www.honestreporting.com (See this!)
* the Aish HaTorah Centre in Jerusalem, a right-wing religious institute which also funds propaganda materials for Israel. These materials include a video belittling the 1400-year-long Islamic connection to Jerusalem, and a handbook insinuating that the Occupied Territories are "disputed territories".
* Starbucks has also sponsored a number of big fund-raisers for Israel organized by Elie Haller, including a bowl-a-thon and a barbecue. Money raised goes to help families of IDF soldiers, through the One Family fund..
* Jerusalem Report
http://www.jrep.com/Israel/Article-0.html (April 22, 2002):
"... The key to Israel’s long-term PR success, Meir(*) believes, is on the campuses of North America and Europe. Wealthy Jews like Howard Schultz, the owner of the Starbucks chain, are helping with student projects, including seminars held in both Israel and North America, in which students hear Israeli presentations on the crisis...."
(*) Gideon Meir, the official in charge of the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s PR effort.
* Both the Anti-Defamation League and
the Jewish Council for Public Affairs have issued statements praising Schultz for his loyalty to the Zionist cause.
* Starbucks donated a store for US troops in Afghanistan and 50,000 pounds of free coffee beans for soldiers in Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.
And new in Nov. 2006:
* British-based charity Oxfam International calls on US hot drinks giant Starbucks to stop "bullying" the poor in Ethiopia in a row over the trade-marking of coffee beans:
* It sort of gives the lie to Starbucks’ claim to promote "fair trade" coffee. See the
Organic Consumers Association’s Starbucks campaign home page at:
http://www.organicconsumers.org/starbucks/index.cfm .
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Starbucks Coffee Stores (4,709 locations world-wide)
Starbucks coffee, chocolates, biscuits & ice-cream products
Seattle Coffee Company in the United Kingdom
Pasqua Inc., a San Francisco based coffee retailer (acquired 1998).
Hear Music, a San Francisco based music company (acquired 1999).
Tazo®, a Portland, Oregon based tea company (acquired 1999).
Hotels with Starbucks:
Hyatt Hotels
Marriott Hotels
Starwood Hotels (Sheraton)
Bookstores with Starbucks:
Canadian bookstore Chapters Inc
Barnes & Noble, Inc bookstores
Albertson’s Supermarkets
Special relationship with The New York Times:
Starbucks Coffee Company and The New York Times announced a strategic alliance in August 2000. Under this agreement, The New York Times is using its national advertising resources to promote Starbucks products and retail locations as a destination for readers. Although other local, daily newspapers will still be offered at Starbucks, The New York Times will be the only national newspaper sold across Starbucks extensive network of company-owned locations in the United States.
According to Yahoo Finance:
Howard Schultz’s annual pay as Chairman of Starbucks is $2.2 Million.
Howard Schultz also has interests in the following companies:
Drugstore.com – Director with 1,592,246 shares (indirect) [b]
eBay Inc. – Director with 112,500 shares (indirect) [c]
[a] http://biz.yahoo.com/p/S/SBUX.html
[b] http://biz.yahoo.com/t/28/1051.html
[c] http://biz.yahoo.com/t/29/1051.html
Latest: 28 October 2004 – Howard Schultz has joined the board of directors of DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. (buying 71,429 shares).[d]
[d] http://biz.yahoo.com/t/29/1051.html
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-starbucks.html
McDonald’s is the largest and best-known global food service retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 121 countries.
* McDonald’s entered the Israeli market in 1993 and now has 80 restaurants there.
* McDonald’s chairman and CEO Jack M. Greenberg is an honorary director of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of Metropolitan Chicago.
* Headquartered just outside Chicago, McDonald’s is a "major corporate partner" of the Jewish United Fund / Jewish Federation of Chicago.
Activities of the Jewish United Fund include:
* "working to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel".
* runs "Fun-filled Summer Family Missions to Israel" where families get to "visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers", "learn the important history of the Golan Heights", and "visit our sister city, Kiryat Gat. and see the important work we are doing there". (For more on illegal industrial development in Kiryat Gat, please see the profiles of Coca-Cola and Intel below.)
* Through its "Partnership to Israel" programme, the Jewish United Fund provides $1.3 million annually to help the development of Kiryat Gat and to promote further illegal settlement there.
* paying for Christian leaders and American high school kids to visit Israel and be indoctrinated with Zionist ideas.
* Facilitating business, professional, and personal ties with Israel, and travel packages, for Jewish teens and young adults
* Maintains the Israel Commission, which "serves as a forum for the organized Jewish community to promote understanding of Israel and Middle East developments, most recently including those connected with the peace process; works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel; plays a leadership role in organizing and planning the annual community-wide celebration for Israel’s Independence Day; and helps promote Israeli cultural events in the metropolitan area."
* Providing speakers on Israel to community groups.
(It should be noted, in McDonald’s’ favour, that when in 1999 an international campaign forced Burger King to withdraw its name from a restaurant that had been built in the illegal Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, the general manager of McDonald’s Israel, Omri Padan, said that he will never open a branch in the occupied territories.)
Products and Affiliated Companies:
McDonald’s Restaurants
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-mcdonalds.html
Estée Lauder
* American Muslims for Jerusalem called for a boycott of Est
ée Lauder in Feb. 2001 http://www.amjerusalem.org/2-28-01 Estee Lauder Boycott.htm
* Estée Lauder’s chairman, Ronald Lauder, was one-time chairman of the conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and later president of the Jewish National Fund (JNF).
* Ronald Lauder led a rally in Jerusalem in Jan. 2001 of 300,000 right-wing extremists.
* While there, Lauder met with Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon and told him that American Jews, from the far left and the far right, are firmly behind him. "I have never seen the American Jewish community more united than it has been recently."
* In 1993, Lauder co-founded a think tank called the Shalem Center with Yoram Hazony, a sympathizer of the late Meir Kahane (who called for the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel).
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Estée Lauder cosmetics
Aramis, Clinique, DKNY, Prescriptives, Origins Natural Resources
MAC Cosmetics, La Mer, Bobbi Brown Essentials
Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries, Jane, Donna Karan Cosmetics
Aveda, Stila Cosmetics, Jo Malone, Bumble & Bumble, Kate Spade
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-estee-lauder.html
* In 1998 Pascal Castres St Martin, on behalf of
L’Oréal, was given the Jubilee Award by the government of Israel.
* L’Oréal has established Israel as its commercial center in the Middle East and has increased investment and manufacturing activities ranging from a new production line established in Migdal Haemek, to joint research and development projects with Israeli affiliates, as well as education and public service campaigns.
* L’Oréal started annual $10,000 scholarships in honour of Israel’s 50th anniversary.
Products and Affiliated Companies:
LaRoche – Posay Pharmaceuticals
Maybelline, Ralph Lauren, Helena Rubinstein
Redken 5th Avenue NYC
Giorgio Armani Perfumes, Lancome Paris
and many others
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-l-oreal.html
Delta Galil Industries Ltd.
* Israel’s largest textile manufacturer
* One of world’s largest underwear labels – men’s and ladies’
* Its founder & biggest shareholder was a close associate of PM Ehud Barak.
* http://shamash.org/listarchives/amcha/log9907 The "peace process" has allowed it to open plants in Jordan and Egypt with low wages, and to use "Made in Israel" label for goods assembled in Jordan.
http://www.jpost.com/com/Archive/01.Mar.1999/Business/Article-0.html http://www.moit.gov.il/root/Hidden/ipc/%7BF6922%7D
* Sweatshop Watch denounces Delta Galil for exploitation of Arab labour.
* http://www.s11.org/iss_sweatshops.html Half of Delta Galil’s sales are to
* Marks & Spencer (underwear, socks, baby wear, leisure wear, and rugs – see below). http://www.odaction.org/challenge/60/textil.html Also supplies
* Victoria’s Secret, the GAP, J. C. Penny, Playtex, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Banana Republic, Structure, J-Crew, and Pryca. Is one-quarter owned by
Sara Lee (see below) http://www.deltagalil.com/Shareholders.htm
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-delta-galil.html
Marks & Spencer:
* Lord Marcus Sieff – long-time Chairman of M&S – wrote that one of the fundamental objectives of M&S is to aid the economic development of Israel (Management: The Marks & Spencer Way, Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1990). Marks and Sieff founded Zionist organizations in Britain and influenced the British gov’t to issue the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which betrayed Britain’s Arab allies
* M&S imports over $200 million worth of Israeli goods into Britain each year, mainly from
Delta Galil (see above) – an Israeli company engaged in many unethical practices. "It was M&S that introduced Israeli avocados to Britain. Scientifically-bred crustaceans from Israel fill the famous M&S prawn with mayonnaise sandwich, the UK’s top seller in the late 1990s. [Note that crustaceans aren’t exactly ‘kosher’ food, and are specifically forbidden in the Torah. – Ed.] M&S imports Polgat suits, underwear from Delta Galil and lingerie from Triumph.
* M&S imports some goods from illegal settlements bearing a "Made in Israel" label.
* In 2000 the Israeli ambassador to England honored Marks & Spencer "for the company’s continued support of Israel." (JTA, 13 December 2000).
* In 1998 Sir Richard Greenbury of Marks & Spencer received the Jubilee Award from the Israeli government.
* The British Israel Chamber of Commerce, another Zionist trade organization with overlapping membership, has held meetings at the M&S store in Baker Street.
http://www.inminds.com/boycott-marks-and-spencer.html and http://www.ihrc.org
Sara Lee
* In 1998 Lucien Nessim, on behalf of Sara Lee, received the Jubilee Award from the government of Israel.
* Sara Lee owns 30% of Israel’s leading textile company
Delta Galil (see above). Delta Galil has been cited by Sweatshop Watch for exploiting Arab labour in Egypt and Jordan, and is reported to sell goods produced in Jordan under a Made in Israel label.
* Sara Lee is the world’s largest clothing manufacturer. Its interest in Delta Galil opens the world’s markets to Israel, with clothes originating in Israel being sold around the world under one of the many famous Sara Lee brands.
* Sara Lee also has a joint venture with Israeli company Nilit for production of POY yarns. Nilit is a nylon manufacturer for the textiles and plastics industry.
* Sara Lee’s website carries an anti-boycott statement forbidding its employees to even inquire about the boycott of Israel:
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Sara Lee Bakery
Meat: Hillshire Farm, Jimmy Dean, Bryan, Ball Park, Aoste
Coffee and coffee systems: Superior Coffee, Douwe Egberts, Maison Café, Pilao
Tea: Pickwick
Body care: Sanex, Body Mist, Brylcreem, Aqua Velva, Radox
Shoe care: Kiwi
Air fresheners: Ambi Pur
Hanes – Intimate apparel, hosiery, socks, knitwear, work wear, casual wear
Playtex – Intimate apparel
Champion – Men’s and women’s athletic apparel and men’s underwear
L’eggs – Hosiery
Dim – Intimate apparel, hosiery
Bali – Intimate apparel
Just My Size – Intimate apparel
Lovable – Intimate apparel, men’s underwear, socks
Outer Banks – T-shirts, sport shirts
Wonder bra – Intimate apparel
Gossard – Intimate apparel
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-sara-lee.html
* Coca-Cola is already being boycotted around the world for marketing toxic "Killer Coke" in India and employing anti-union death squads in Colombia.
* Opened plant in Israel in 1960s (during Arab League boycott)
* Now carrying on 2 large operations on land that is not legally part of Israel, working hand-in-glove with Israeli government
* Employee ‘training’ programme at Israeli facilities, on Israeli-Palestinian dispute
* Received Israel Trade Award in US in 1997
* Sponsor of 2001 American-Israel Chamber of Commerce Awards Gala
* Co-sponsor of a 2002 lecture by Linda Gradstein, an infamous Zionist journalist
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Soft Drinks:
Coca-Cola (incl. Cherry Coke)
Fanta, Fresca, Frescolita, Sprite, Tab
Bacardi Mixers, Hi-C, Fruitopia
Dr. Pepper and other Schweppes brands (in some countries – check the can)
Dasani Water
Minute Maid, Five Alive, Sun Valley
Nescafé, Nestea, Tasters Choice
Coca-Cola is now carrying on 2 large operations on land that is not legally part of Israel, working hand-in-glove with the Israeli government:
1. In July 2002, it was announced that Coca-Cola, in return for millions in incentives from the Israeli government, would build a new plant in the industrial park at Kiryat Gat. This is the same land concerning which Intel (see below) is facing a legal challenge for building its huge chip plant there. The Kiryat Gat industrial park is built on the land of the Palestinian village of Iraq Al Manshiya, whose residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949. Their descendants still live in a nearby refugee camp.
Original story appeared in Ha’aretz (19-July-2002)
2. Meanwhile, in October 2005, Ha’aretz reported that The Central Bottling Company (Coca-Cola Israel) has bought the 51 percent controlling interest in the Tavor Winery.
Tavor Winery is an Israeli company based on occupied Palestinian land at the foot of Mount Tavor [Tabor], overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
More at:: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-coca-cola.html
Intel supports Israel with very large investments. Intel’s web site:
http://www.intel.com/intel/community/israel/aboutsite.htm outlines a long history of the company’s expansion in Israel:
* 1974: IDC, Intel’s first design and development centre outside the US, started up in Haifa.
* 1985: Fab 8, Intel’s first facility outside the USA for the manufacture of microprocessors and memory, began operations in Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem.
* 1998: A development center in Jerusalem (formerly "Digital") was purchased and integrated into Intel Israel.
* 1999: Fab 18, the new plant in Lachish – Kiryat Gat, began manufacturing processors using 0.18 micron technology.
* 1999: A branch for the development of network and communications products was opened in Omer, close to Beersheba. Intel International acquired two companies operating in Israel:
DSPC: A leading international developer and supplier of chip systems and software for the manufacture of cellular telephones for CDMA and TDMA devices.Most of DSPC’s development efforts are currently directed at the 3G (third generation) market, which will integrate cellular phones with multimedia and Internet capabilities. Its customers include Motorola, Philips, Kenwood, Sanyo and Sharp.
Dialogic Israel Ltd. (DIL): DIL develops solutions for computerized telephony and Internet telephony. Founded in 1993 in the Tefen Industrial Park as an R&D subsidiary of Dialogic, DIL employs 35 engineers. Its products are used in voice, fax, data, voice identification and synthesis, call center management and IP telephony applications – in CPE and in a public network environment.
* 2000: Exports from the Intel’s Lachish plant in Kiryat Gat total $ 3 million a day at peak capacity – approximately $ 1 billion a year.
* Intel also invests in TelesciCOM, RADVision, and RADGuard, and acquired Shani.
See http://www.israelemb.org/economic/uscompanies.htm .
* Intel also invests large amounts in Israel’s schools and universities through scholarships, funding research, and purchasing laboratory equipment..
Products and Affiliated Companies:
Processors – Celeron, Pentium, Itanium, etc.
Motherboards, Chipsets, Adapters, Controllers, Network Products, Wireless components, Embedded Products, Software Development Tools.
It may be impossible for us to boycott these items, but we can at least contact the company with our serious concerns.
The Story of Kiryat Gat
Israel expelled the original inhabitants of the town of Iraq Al-Manshiya and the nearby village of Al-Faluja after the 1948 war ended, contrary to international law and an armistice agreement sponsored by the UN and which Israel signed.
Meron Benvensti wrote in his book Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land Since 1948 (Univ. of Calif. Press, 2000, p. 156): "The signing of the armistice agreement did not put an end to the expulsions [by Israel]. In late February 1949, the remaining inhabitants of the township of Faluja and the village of Iraq al-Manshiyya...were expelled. Approximately 3,000 people were ejected from their communities, despite Israel's having guaranteed that they could remain there with full security to themselves, their homes, and all their property." He also added in page 318: "In Iraq al-Manshiyya...the remnants of the village of 2000 (approximately 300 houses, two mosques, and a school) have been swallowed up by the industrial park of the city of Kiryat Gat."
According to the Israeli historian Benny Morris, the expulsion was achieved by "all means of intimidation": http://www.palestineremembered.com/Gaza/Iraq-al-Manshiyya
Palestinian refugee organization Al-Awda: http://al-awda.org/intel_divest.htm called for Intel to divest from Israel, in a June 2001 action alert:
Intel is the premier microchip maker and commands a market lead worldwide over competitors such as Advanced Micro Devices. Intel also has developed significant production facilities in Israel. Last year, the company exported products valued at $2 billion from Israel, of which $1.3 billion were from its FAB-18 plant in "Qiryat Gat". More investments were planned this year in expansion and growth of Intel's Israeli facilities including manufacturing a large portion of Intel's Pentium 4 chips. Intel investment to FAB-18 amounted to $1 billion, and the Israeli government contributed an additional $600 million. The plant site is located between the rail line from Tel Aviv to Beer Sheba and the new Trans-Israel highway. However, the plant site is on land Israel confiscated from the Palestinian villages of Iraq al Manshiya..
Al-Faluja and Iraq Al-Manshiya were twin and peaceful Palestinian villages that came under Israeli rule on 24 February 1949, well after the war, as part of a UN-sponsored armistice agreement. The original inhabitants of Iraq Al-Manshiya and the near-by village of Al-Faluja could have become Israeli citizens. However, Israel expelled the population and confiscated their property after the 1948 war ended contrary to international law and an Armistice Agreement sponsored by the UN. According to Benny Morris' book "1948", expulsion was achieved by "intimidation using all means". All village buildings were demolished and Israel built the settlements of Qiryat Gat, Shahar and Nehora on village lands. The villagers were deported to the Hebron area.
The San Francisco Chronicle carried a full feature story on Intel’s chip plant on the disputed land of Kiryat Gat: http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-news-0194.html
or http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/0... .
More at: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-intel.html


Re: 13 (worst) companies who support Israel’s policies:

Howard Schultz of Starbucks had a 3 year old style temper tantrum after he couldn't force the Seattle public to pay $200 million for his basketball team to stay in town.
Paul Allen, our other resident Jewish billionaire has us paying for his stinking football stadium, and the laughable South Lake Union Trolley, which travels a short distance between Macy's and Hooters (otherwise known as the SLUT http://www.ridetheslut.com/)