Let's be Realistic about Ron Paul
December 4, 2011
Ron Paul is a dream-come- true for corporations who want free trade unrestricted by regulation or taxation.
In the "conspiracy" media, there is a consensus that: 1) Ron Paul is the last and only hope of America, and 2) The manifold forces of darkness are arrayed against him.
I will not accuse the good doctor of being a secret zionist, freemason, jesuit or interdimensional reptile. I think he has in some respects been a courageous and useful public servant.
I do, however, suppose that Ron Paul - whether he knows it or not - is a perfectly acceptable option, and perhaps favored by some elements of the power elite, to be elected in 2012.
As a young congressman enthralled with Austrian economics, he co-wrote "The Case for Gold" with Lewis Lehrman, a Jewish investment banker who later helped guide everything from the Project for a New American Century to the American Enterprise Institute to George Bush, Jr's Arbusto Energy.
The Austrian School updated the ideas of Jeremy Bentham (free trade, usury and the illegitimacy of natural law) for the post-WW2 era.
Its leading ideologues were Anglo-sponsored "anti-fascist" Jews like Friedrich von Hayek (the tutor of David Rockefeller at the London School of Economics), Ludwig von Mises (who owed his career in America to regular grants and appointments from the Rockefeller Foundation) and Ayn Rand, who popularized Bentham's satanism under the name "objectivism".
Second-generation "Austrians" like Alan Greenspan and Milton Friedman are little discussed as such, since they exposed the program by actually putting it in practice.
The Austrian program is essentially that of Andrew Jackson - anti-nationalism. Paul vows to "End the Fed" and replace it with a deregulated rat's nest of private bank currencies (which is what led to the 1837 panic).
No mention of bankruptcy for Wall Street or nationalization of credit and currency. He implicitly opposes all tariffs, regulations, subsidies, and any notion of morality in law (i.e. prohibitions on drugs, pornography and other key revenue streams of imperialism).
Paul is committed to paying Wall Street's debts. His recently-published "Plan to Restore America" is an austerity handbook that puts the costs of free trade and bailouts on the backs of poor people.
It cuts or eliminates school lunches, WIC, assistance to Indian reservations and other basic social welfare programs, the environment and what is left of labor unions, while reducing taxes on the wealthy (including elimination of capital gains and inheritance taxes) and corporations.
Despite his welcome anti-war positions, he publicly cites only budgetary and constitutional reasons, never mentioning the human cost of war or larger geostrategic realities being foisted upon the American people.
He has frequently expressed the desire to allow Israel to "deal with its neighbors" without US approval or intervention. It should be noted that more US foreign aid goes to Israel's "neighbors" than Israel, which is why a substantial number of Israeli economists and zionist activists join Paul in opposing US foreign aid and "interventionism."
What is the "New World Order"?
Look at the world's true "oligarchs." Do they derive their power from TSA body scanners, tear gas and reality TV? Of course not - these are merely used to demoralize the population.
The global oligarchy controls oil and other strategic raw materials (mineral ores, grain, water, etc.), they control multinational corporations, they control locations of geostrategic importance (shipping routes, micro-state "firewalls" like Tibet).
They control multinational banks and investment houses, and they use their monopolies on supply and information to speculate in international futures, stock and currency exchanges.
The "New World Order" is not the overturning of our free-trade, deregulated neoliberal order, but its completion.
The great dream of every Rothschild and Rockefeller is not a global police state, but a universal "free trade" arrangement overseen by a global body. One where national borders proliferate but every national protection - every wage or price standard, regulation, subsidy, tariff or currency control - is removed, where every nation is brought to the lowest common denominator, and where all economic surplus flows to usury, drugs, entertainment, war and other imperial franchises.
A global government of the "free market" and a global currency based not on political considerations but upon an arbitrary resource (like gold) that can be controlled by the Wall Street / industrial cartel complex.
In a fenced feudal plantation, the oligarchs will have total control over who is being fattened and who is led to the slaughter.
This has been slightly abridged. The whole article is here.
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