Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?
October 31, 2011

by John Hubbard
In 1973, the Marian Press, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada sent the Pinkerton Detective Agency to Rome to investigate "substitutes" used to represent Paul VI. The evidence gathered at that time was positive.
The impostor Pope was first photographed December 11, 1974. He had an elementary education and due of the lack of proper education, was not adequately in a position to answer questions and issues with coherence.
This lack of proper training was clearly evident when some European statesmen were granted private audiences from the Fall of 1975. When queries of depth and coherence were submitted his way, his responses took the shape of comments rather than answers, but unwarily without the
quality or capacity habitual to his distinguished guests. From such occasions, it was unanimous to these statesmen and Church dignitaries that something was rotten in Rome.
For example, the President of France--Valery Giscard d'Estaing--after spending one hour attempting to discuss the Lebanon situation and the possible development of backward lands by their youth as a groundwork for the eventual attainment of freedom of speech, the supposed Pope merely said: "I have found great faith and I am deeply impressed with it".
When the French President was asked by a confused journalist if the
man with whom he had spoken was really Paul VI, Valery Giscard cast the remark in weary boredom: "But that is certainly absurd".
When in another occasion Gerhard Stoltenberg--Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein--on November of 1975 was asked if he were of the conviction that the man with whom he had spoken was Paul VI, Gerhard retorted in a semi-disgusted, semi-humorous tone: "That is certainly laughable".
The impostor Pope had small green eyes. Paul VI had larger and very clear blue eyes.
During the Spring of 1977, a color photo of the impostor Pope was sent to Germany. It showed definite signs of plastic surgical operations done to him. He was a little cross-eyed and the left eyebrow dropped too low. His hands and his fingers--like his face--were rather broad and clumsily formed. His face was rounded, fleshy, his nose short, and the upper half of his ears extended outward. The pictures in Mr. Kolberg's book entitled:
DER BETRUG DES JAHRHUNDERTS, were analyzed by feature comparisons and feature proportions to each face, and the build of the face of each. The description of each individual are taken by ears, chin, jaw, forehead, nose, facial builds, and aspects of countenances.
On Easter Sunday 1975, Mr. Kolberg made a recording on one of those accurate German recording machines of the blessing urbi et orbi of Paul VI. Then on Christmas of 1975, Mr. Kolberg recorded the voice of the impostor Pope, also giving his urbi et orbi blessing. The words pronounced by each and in the same traditional intonation were:
INDULGENTIAM PECCATORUM VESTRORUM FRUCTUO SE PENITENTIAE COR SEMPER PENITENS. These words were subjected to the analaysis of the voice frequency registration of a TYPE B-65, KAYELEMETRICS, PINE BROOK, NEW JERSEY, SONOGRAM. The printed pages of Paul's voice-patterns showed a merciless
contrast from the pages printed of the voice of the impostor Pope, reaffirming the fact that the mind, vocal cords, mouth, and lips were unique to each individual!
Could this point to the fact that the genuine Paul VI was held captive in the Vatican, or that he was kidnapped, perhaps murdered? Was he murdered as was Pope John Paul I? Unlike Pope John Paul I, no one knows what happened to the real Paul VI.
A layman in search of more concrete evidence went to Brescia, where some of Montini's relations were living. There a niece informed him that they were perfectly well aware of the impostor, but that all their efforts to make it known had been stifled.
The investigator, who was obviously untried and filled with a crusading zeal to bring things into the open, soon landed in trouble. He was jailed for four years, and afterwards deported from Italy. All efforts to trace his whereabouts since then have failed.
Subsequent statements alleging that there was a false Pope Paul VI, go on to say that he was an actor whose initials are P.A.R., and that it was he who died at Castelgandolfo on 6 August, 1978.
A German Bishop, who claims to have proof that Montini was last
known to be living not in the Vatican but in the outskirts of Rome, hopes to make this public in a forthcoming book. (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread576777/pg1)

Through the centuries, documentation reveals Jewish infiltration into the Catholic Church. While outside the scope of this article, the Reformation was brought about by Jewish infiltrators who wanted to divide and conquer Christianity. It is a tightly guarded secret.
Today, we're dealing with the naturalism of Jewish Marxism versus the supernatural aspects of the Catholic Church. One knows, however, that while naturalism - along with materialism and evolution - are the substance of global Marxism, they nevertheless do Have strong occult activities behind the scenes...
In the final analysis, we see the daily battle of the occult supernatural versus the Christian supernatural. The Catholic Church has external and internal enemies who are Marxist Jews.
The purpose of Marxist Jewish infiltration into Catholicism has been to bring the Church down to only naturalist elements. We saw this in the many Marxist interpretations of Vatican II and in the naturalist Dutch catechism by the leftist Catholic Schillebeeckx.
Why is relegating Catholicism, to only the natural, important? Because the Catholic Church's authority, the primary bulwark against Marxism and Freemasonry to date, is not in their financial or oratorical power, but in the supernatural. Pope Pius X was credited with 800 miracles while pope. No such supernatural credits are observed with the global socialist infiltrators... though bogus "miracles" may be coming up for the apostate, infiltrated side of the Catholic Church.
John Hubbard adds:
Both the authentic and the stand-in could have been Jewish.
It was one of the Paul VI who gave Malachi Martin special
permission/dispensation to go out and do his thing.
On MostHolyFamilyMonastery.com is a streaming video of the Vatican "Jewish funeral" given to Paul VI or his stand-in. The moral: The Catholic Church is not corrupt, but there has occurred strong, infiltrative corruption. Remember, since 1732 through Pope Pius XI in the 1930s, every Pope issued encyclicals of strong condemnations against Freemasonry. By 1832, the Pope at that time already recognized a degree of Freemason infiltration into the European Church. In Vatican II, Protestantism, leftist socialist Judaism and Freemasonry worked together to alter Catholicism....
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/was_pope_paul_vi_replaced_by_a.html#sthash.R3vKZb5H.dpuf
Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?
October 31, 2011
by John Hubbard
In 1973, the Marian Press, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada sent the Pinkerton Detective Agency to Rome to investigate "substitutes" used to represent Paul VI. The evidence gathered at that time was positive.
The impostor Pope was first photographed December 11, 1974. He had an elementary education and due of the lack of proper education, was not adequately in a position to answer questions and issues with coherence.
This lack of proper training was clearly evident when some European statesmen were granted private audiences from the Fall of 1975. When queries of depth and coherence were submitted his way, his responses took the shape of comments rather than answers, but unwarily without the
quality or capacity habitual to his distinguished guests. From such occasions, it was unanimous to these statesmen and Church dignitaries that something was rotten in Rome.
For example, the President of France--Valery Giscard d'Estaing--after spending one hour attempting to discuss the Lebanon situation and the possible development of backward lands by their youth as a groundwork for the eventual attainment of freedom of speech, the supposed Pope merely said: "I have found great faith and I am deeply impressed with it".
When the French President was asked by a confused journalist if the
man with whom he had spoken was really Paul VI, Valery Giscard cast the remark in weary boredom: "But that is certainly absurd".
When in another occasion Gerhard Stoltenberg--Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein--on November of 1975 was asked if he were of the conviction that the man with whom he had spoken was Paul VI, Gerhard retorted in a semi-disgusted, semi-humorous tone: "That is certainly laughable".
The impostor Pope had small green eyes. Paul VI had larger and very clear blue eyes.
During the Spring of 1977, a color photo of the impostor Pope was sent to Germany. It showed definite signs of plastic surgical operations done to him. He was a little cross-eyed and the left eyebrow dropped too low. His hands and his fingers--like his face--were rather broad and clumsily formed. His face was rounded, fleshy, his nose short, and the upper half of his ears extended outward. The pictures in Mr. Kolberg's book entitled:
DER BETRUG DES JAHRHUNDERTS, were analyzed by feature comparisons and feature proportions to each face, and the build of the face of each. The description of each individual are taken by ears, chin, jaw, forehead, nose, facial builds, and aspects of countenances.
On Easter Sunday 1975, Mr. Kolberg made a recording on one of those accurate German recording machines of the blessing urbi et orbi of Paul VI. Then on Christmas of 1975, Mr. Kolberg recorded the voice of the impostor Pope, also giving his urbi et orbi blessing. The words pronounced by each and in the same traditional intonation were:
INDULGENTIAM PECCATORUM VESTRORUM FRUCTUO SE PENITENTIAE COR SEMPER PENITENS. These words were subjected to the analaysis of the voice frequency registration of a TYPE B-65, KAYELEMETRICS, PINE BROOK, NEW JERSEY, SONOGRAM. The printed pages of Paul's voice-patterns showed a merciless
contrast from the pages printed of the voice of the impostor Pope, reaffirming the fact that the mind, vocal cords, mouth, and lips were unique to each individual!
Could this point to the fact that the genuine Paul VI was held captive in the Vatican, or that he was kidnapped, perhaps murdered? Was he murdered as was Pope John Paul I? Unlike Pope John Paul I, no one knows what happened to the real Paul VI.
A layman in search of more concrete evidence went to Brescia, where some of Montini's relations were living. There a niece informed him that they were perfectly well aware of the impostor, but that all their efforts to make it known had been stifled.
The investigator, who was obviously untried and filled with a crusading zeal to bring things into the open, soon landed in trouble. He was jailed for four years, and afterwards deported from Italy. All efforts to trace his whereabouts since then have failed.
Subsequent statements alleging that there was a false Pope Paul VI, go on to say that he was an actor whose initials are P.A.R., and that it was he who died at Castelgandolfo on 6 August, 1978.
A German Bishop, who claims to have proof that Montini was last
known to be living not in the Vatican but in the outskirts of Rome, hopes to make this public in a forthcoming book. (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread576777/pg1)

Through the centuries, documentation reveals Jewish infiltration into the Catholic Church. While outside the scope of this article, the Reformation was brought about by Jewish infiltrators who wanted to divide and conquer Christianity. It is a tightly guarded secret.
Today, we're dealing with the naturalism of Jewish Marxism versus the supernatural aspects of the Catholic Church. One knows, however, that while naturalism - along with materialism and evolution - are the substance of global Marxism, they nevertheless do Have strong occult activities behind the scenes...
In the final analysis, we see the daily battle of the occult supernatural versus the Christian supernatural. The Catholic Church has external and internal enemies who are Marxist Jews.
The purpose of Marxist Jewish infiltration into Catholicism has been to bring the Church down to only naturalist elements. We saw this in the many Marxist interpretations of Vatican II and in the naturalist Dutch catechism by the leftist Catholic Schillebeeckx.
Why is relegating Catholicism, to only the natural, important? Because the Catholic Church's authority, the primary bulwark against Marxism and Freemasonry to date, is not in their financial or oratorical power, but in the supernatural. Pope Pius X was credited with 800 miracles while pope. No such supernatural credits are observed with the global socialist infiltrators... though bogus "miracles" may be coming up for the apostate, infiltrated side of the Catholic Church.
John Hubbard adds:
the authentic and the stand-in could have been Jewish. It was one of
the Paul VI who gave Malachi Martin special permission/dispensation to
go out and do his thing.
On MostHolyFamilyMonastery.com is a streaming video of the Vatican "Jewish funeral" given to Paul VI or his stand-in. The moral: The Catholic Church is not corrupt, but there has occurred strong, infiltrative corruption. Remember, since 1732 through Pope Pius XI in the 1930s, every Pope issued encyclicals of strong condemnations against Freemasonry. By 1832, the Pope at that time already recognized a degree of Freemason infiltration into the European Church. In Vatican II, Protestantism, leftist socialist Judaism and Freemasonry worked together to alter Catholicism....
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/was_pope_paul_vi_replaced_by_a.html#sthash.R3vKZb5H.dpuf
Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?
October 31, 2011
by John Hubbard
In 1973, the Marian Press, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada sent the Pinkerton Detective Agency to Rome to investigate "substitutes" used to represent Paul VI. The evidence gathered at that time was positive.
The impostor Pope was first photographed December 11, 1974. He had an elementary education and due of the lack of proper education, was not adequately in a position to answer questions and issues with coherence.
This lack of proper training was clearly evident when some European statesmen were granted private audiences from the Fall of 1975. When queries of depth and coherence were submitted his way, his responses took the shape of comments rather than answers, but unwarily without the
quality or capacity habitual to his distinguished guests. From such occasions, it was unanimous to these statesmen and Church dignitaries that something was rotten in Rome.
For example, the President of France--Valery Giscard d'Estaing--after spending one hour attempting to discuss the Lebanon situation and the possible development of backward lands by their youth as a groundwork for the eventual attainment of freedom of speech, the supposed Pope merely said: "I have found great faith and I am deeply impressed with it".
When the French President was asked by a confused journalist if the
man with whom he had spoken was really Paul VI, Valery Giscard cast the remark in weary boredom: "But that is certainly absurd".
When in another occasion Gerhard Stoltenberg--Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein--on November of 1975 was asked if he were of the conviction that the man with whom he had spoken was Paul VI, Gerhard retorted in a semi-disgusted, semi-humorous tone: "That is certainly laughable".
The impostor Pope had small green eyes. Paul VI had larger and very clear blue eyes.
During the Spring of 1977, a color photo of the impostor Pope was sent to Germany. It showed definite signs of plastic surgical operations done to him. He was a little cross-eyed and the left eyebrow dropped too low. His hands and his fingers--like his face--were rather broad and clumsily formed. His face was rounded, fleshy, his nose short, and the upper half of his ears extended outward. The pictures in Mr. Kolberg's book entitled:
DER BETRUG DES JAHRHUNDERTS, were analyzed by feature comparisons and feature proportions to each face, and the build of the face of each. The description of each individual are taken by ears, chin, jaw, forehead, nose, facial builds, and aspects of countenances.
On Easter Sunday 1975, Mr. Kolberg made a recording on one of those accurate German recording machines of the blessing urbi et orbi of Paul VI. Then on Christmas of 1975, Mr. Kolberg recorded the voice of the impostor Pope, also giving his urbi et orbi blessing. The words pronounced by each and in the same traditional intonation were:
INDULGENTIAM PECCATORUM VESTRORUM FRUCTUO SE PENITENTIAE COR SEMPER PENITENS. These words were subjected to the analaysis of the voice frequency registration of a TYPE B-65, KAYELEMETRICS, PINE BROOK, NEW JERSEY, SONOGRAM. The printed pages of Paul's voice-patterns showed a merciless
contrast from the pages printed of the voice of the impostor Pope, reaffirming the fact that the mind, vocal cords, mouth, and lips were unique to each individual!
Could this point to the fact that the genuine Paul VI was held captive in the Vatican, or that he was kidnapped, perhaps murdered? Was he murdered as was Pope John Paul I? Unlike Pope John Paul I, no one knows what happened to the real Paul VI.
A layman in search of more concrete evidence went to Brescia, where some of Montini's relations were living. There a niece informed him that they were perfectly well aware of the impostor, but that all their efforts to make it known had been stifled.
The investigator, who was obviously untried and filled with a crusading zeal to bring things into the open, soon landed in trouble. He was jailed for four years, and afterwards deported from Italy. All efforts to trace his whereabouts since then have failed.
Subsequent statements alleging that there was a false Pope Paul VI, go on to say that he was an actor whose initials are P.A.R., and that it was he who died at Castelgandolfo on 6 August, 1978.
A German Bishop, who claims to have proof that Montini was last
known to be living not in the Vatican but in the outskirts of Rome, hopes to make this public in a forthcoming book. (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread576777/pg1)

Through the centuries, documentation reveals Jewish infiltration into the Catholic Church. While outside the scope of this article, the Reformation was brought about by Jewish infiltrators who wanted to divide and conquer Christianity. It is a tightly guarded secret.
Today, we're dealing with the naturalism of Jewish Marxism versus the supernatural aspects of the Catholic Church. One knows, however, that while naturalism - along with materialism and evolution - are the substance of global Marxism, they nevertheless do Have strong occult activities behind the scenes...
In the final analysis, we see the daily battle of the occult supernatural versus the Christian supernatural. The Catholic Church has external and internal enemies who are Marxist Jews.
The purpose of Marxist Jewish infiltration into Catholicism has been to bring the Church down to only naturalist elements. We saw this in the many Marxist interpretations of Vatican II and in the naturalist Dutch catechism by the leftist Catholic Schillebeeckx.
Why is relegating Catholicism, to only the natural, important? Because the Catholic Church's authority, the primary bulwark against Marxism and Freemasonry to date, is not in their financial or oratorical power, but in the supernatural. Pope Pius X was credited with 800 miracles while pope. No such supernatural credits are observed with the global socialist infiltrators... though bogus "miracles" may be coming up for the apostate, infiltrated side of the Catholic Church.
John Hubbard adds:
the authentic and the stand-in could have been Jewish. It was one of
the Paul VI who gave Malachi Martin special permission/dispensation to
go out and do his thing.
On MostHolyFamilyMonastery.com is a streaming video of the Vatican "Jewish funeral" given to Paul VI or his stand-in. The moral: The Catholic Church is not corrupt, but there has occurred strong, infiltrative corruption. Remember, since 1732 through Pope Pius XI in the 1930s, every Pope issued encyclicals of strong condemnations against Freemasonry. By 1832, the Pope at that time already recognized a degree of Freemason infiltration into the European Church. In Vatican II, Protestantism, leftist socialist Judaism and Freemasonry worked together to alter Catholicism.... - See more at: http://henrymakow.com/was_pope_paul_vi_replaced_by_a.html#sthash.R3vKZb5H.dpuf
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