Friday, March 15, 2013

Among the abundant documentation which his most Reverend the Cardinal Caro quotes, to show that Jews and Communists spread Communism, we select the following:
“According to the ‘Russian Tribune’ which appears in Munich in the Russian language, Jewry in its fight maintains, according to various plans, the following combat organisations, all for the purpose of preparing the triumph of the Third International.”
1. The Golden International; see Chapter III.
2. The Red International; see Chapter III.
3. The Black International or Combat Association of Jewry.44
“A very similar work is performed by Russian Jewry. We, the emigrant Russians, have seen with our own eyes the enormous number of Jews who play a role in the ranks of the instigators of revolution.”
If we pass over the work of preparation of this revolution and the events of 1905, we will at once see what the Vienna Jewish paper “Der Hammer” wrote on occasion of the Beylis Affair (an affair of ritual murder in Kiev). The judgment in favour of Beylis, through the jury, amounted to his exoneration; but the character of the ritual murder was proven. “The Russian government had resolved to declare war on the Jews of Kiev. Now, they must know that, upon this war, the fate, not of the Jews, for the Jewish people is unconquerable, but of the Russian people depends. For the Russian government it is a question of life and death. Its victory in this affair will be the beginning of its collapse. May the Russian rulers exercise caution! We will provide proof to the whole world that one cannot meddle unpunished with the Jews, whether the latter are of Kiev or any other place.” (Der Hammer, No. 254, 1911. Mentioned by General Nechovolodof in “Czar Nicholas II and the Jews”; and by Msgr. Jouin in “The Jewish-Freemasons Danger” and “The United Front”, 1927, edition of “Petit Oranais”.) Unfortunately for Russia and the entire civilised world, this threat was not without consequences. Six years later it was turned into a fact. We will quote some figures. The first Workers and Soldiers Council (Soviet) was composed of 23 members, of whom 19 were Jews; the Council of Peoples Commissars of 1920 had 17 Jews among its 22 members; among the 43 high officials of the War Commission, 34 were Israelites; on the Commissariat of the Interior there were 54 Jews among the officials; in that for foreign affairs, 13 Jews and 17 members. In the financial department of the government the percentage of Jews rose to 86% and in the court system up to 95% etc.
In order to briefly summarise this statistic, let us remark that, among the 545 most principal agents of the Russian revolution in question, 447 belonged to the “chosen people”, 68 to different nationalities (Latvians, Germans, Poles, etc), and only 30 were of Russian nationality.
These figures, which are taken from Bolshevist information sources, appeared in a pamphlet under the title “Who Rules in Russia?” which was published in New York in 1920. (See Msgr. Jouin, “The Jewish-Freemasonic Danger”, II, page 108 and seq.) We should add that, at present, there are 16 Jews among the 22 trade agents of the Soviets abroad. “Report of the Urbe Agency”, of 25th August 1927, which was quoted by R. Lamelin in “The Victory of Israel,” page 170.45
In his book “II manganello e l’aspersorio”, the lay writer Ernesto Rossi disputes violently with the already mentioned periodical “Civilta Cattolica”, from which he reproduces the following paragraph, with the intention of refuting it:
“We see ‘heroes’ of the sect, who are not able to resist a gift of two millions, perpetuated in all cities through statues. We see the sons of these ‘heroes’, who pocket large sums while despising the dominant misery. Mazzini involved himself with the synagogue, whose fruits of love are very well known in the Campidoglio of Rome; Garibaldi, Cavour, Farini, Depretis were modest servants of the synagogue, and so are still many of those ‘great men’ to whom the good will of the peoples has erected and still erects memorial stones, busts and monuments, in order to glorify their love of ‘freedom’ and of the ‘Fatherland’.”46
Many writers of the most different directions have asserted that the Jewish question in Italy did not represent the features of a national disorder. We do not share this opinion and limit ourselves only to recalling that those who introduced Communism into our land, Modigliani, Treves, Della Seta, Musatti, Momigliano, Donati, etc, were Jews.47
“And did not the renowned Togliatti, the leader for many years of the Italian Communist party, marry the Jewess Montagnana? And was not her brother, Mario Montagnana, in the directorship of the newspaper “L’Unita” in its Milan edition? It should be known, in addition, that likewise those who directed the Communist press in Italy were Jews: Longo (Vie Nuovo), Alatri (L’Unita of Rome), Tedeschi (L’Unita of Milan); Cohen directs the ‘Paese Sera’, Levi the ‘Lotta Sindicale’, and Jachia the paper ‘Republicia’, who came from there into the directing of the press of the Communist party.”48

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