if you call it a war, then shoot every drug-dealer on site and make it a war.
So far it has been a game and not more.
Clearly you did not even read the article.
you'd have to shoot the CIA, they are the biggest dealer.OK taxpayers, here it comes, another way for the leeches and parasites to get a free ride.Legalize it Tax it Control it
Mandatory education about the physical effects of an addiction cycle. Not glamourus life style, duh it is suffering and death.
Alcohol is the leading drug of family suffering, death and adiction in the USA. It should be included in a education on the devastating effect of drugs. You think the Lobbyist would let any of this Happen?Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the term "Screaming" Eagles, right? Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
These losers are not heroes - they are war criminals fighting one false war after another for their corporate overlords. Their efforts have NOTHING to do with the safety of Americans. In fact, their efforts drain precious resources from this crumbling nation over an issue that kills fewer Americans than peanut allergies.
Each week in America, preventable medical errors kill as many people as died in 9/11. Each WEEK.
Any average person who actually fears being harmed by "terrorists" is an idiotic loser, PERIOD. There is no way to argue around this.
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