Monday, December 27, 2010

"You just need to rid yourselves of prejudice and take an intelligent approach."

The keyword is "Intelligent" which so far our government has shown it lacks with its "arrest everyone" approach to law enforcement from pornography to prostitution to drugs to guns. The only people that should be in prison at the expense of the taxpayer are violent offenders, drug dealers, gang members, pimps, rapists, illegal weapons dealers and terrorists.

Joe with one joint too many in his pocket, Johnny who turned eighteen while his girlfriend of 4 years was still sixteen, Travis who accidentally went to a child porn website by mistake, Pete who was approached by a hot undercover officer soliciting sex for money, all should never have been treated as felons and put into prison. The fact that we create more laws as felonies makes me think there is a political agenda to reduce the number of people who can vote or to create a market for more prisons on the taxpayers dime. I would not be surprised if it turns out that organized crime runs the prisons and gives kickbacks to certain lawmakers to create more laws to fill them up! Arresting users has never proved effective at reducing any crime, it just makes the resume's of the officers look good at the taxpayers expense. I call it Lazy and Gutless Law Enforcement. Go after the real criminals!

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