Friday, December 24, 2010

why doesn't the CIA just blame it on a rectum bomber that way they can justify bending you over and really screwing everyone instead of just x-raying, stripping and collecting every phone, im, text, conversations and web activity, hell now they want to have your smart phone send them audio and video even when it's turned off. I am more afraid of governments now than I am of any "TERRORIST" or other attacks this is getting ridiculous. whats next toilet cameras, you know to keep us safe..Be careful who you call an anarchist!

Some of those people work for GOVERNMENT

They are in the CIA!!!Anarchists= TIM McVeigh
Tim McVeigh=White American@#$% Terrorist-Anarchists
White American@#$% Terrorist-Anarchists =REPUBLICAN@#$%Mussolini.........I mean Berlusconi runs Italy, like the crooks in Washington run their branch of the mafia

It's much like the mobsters of the 1930s

We have FALSE FLAG terrorist attacks here and Mussolini.......I mean Berlusconi has them in Italy!!!mossad, or

CIA, or


those are the bombers that you here about..America's companies: Sponsoring terrorism for a price.the usa has become a joke under its head clowns, odumba and bushed before him

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