Wednesday, December 8, 2010

sadly.. it seems Freedom of Speech is only if Gov allows..and not the people as clearly stated in our most holy of documents! Further.. secrets seems to be what causes nearly all the problems of this Nation which has lost face and fallen from the Greatest to defending its honor (or what's left after Bush regime got through.. remember.. "In search of weapons of Mass Destruction"). And.. as many must sign declarations of secrecy, propiety, and privacy.. these folks at WikiLeaks stumbled upon very interesting information.. maybe should or should not be a secret from it's people? Besides.. if there could have been such a leak to inform us of the inabilities of the "Intelligence Agencies.. and those paid and sworn to protect us.. AND of those known/suspected Terror idiots before the 911... well.. where would be today.. I am thinking well ahead of the curve with the buildings and people saved! what do you think? I fully support freedom of press and SPEECH.. and the rest of our freedoms that should be unalienable and a basic HUMAN right.. not a privilege subject to censor. Yes.. some things don't need be said.. but, again, look at Geraldo Rivera in Kuwait.. he drew diagrams to show the enemy REAL Time army stuff.. and what became of him.. not imprisoned.. not in front of a Judge.. just sent home. Well.. is this fair? I think not.. actually.. Rivera should be in prison as a traitor to USA... and that's that!

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