Saturday, December 1, 2012

The 'Shining Path' Was Just Another Zionist Scheme

Communist Guerillas That Terrorized Peru

It's Leader Is Abimael (Abbie) Guzman

This Animal Was Behind 70,000 Dead Peruvians

Do Their Schemes Ever Stop?
Kick over a rock, and there they are. In this episode of the Bolshevik revolution, they form the 'Shining Path' and led the Peruvian people against the "bourgeoisie". In actuality, the Zionists wanted to control the drug trade, and while they were at it, grab the ruling elite's property, and seize political power.

It's 1970's Peru, and enters El Zorro, aka Abbie Guzman, a Jewish professor at a Peruvian college.

Who Is Abbie Guzman?
Guzmán was born in Mollendo, about 1000 km. south of Lima. His 'Poppa' was a well-off merchant, who just happened to win a fortune in a national lottery.

He attended San Agustín National University,  in Arequipa. It's there that Abbie and some fellow radical Jewish students entered the Communist Party of Peru. In 1962, Guzman became a professor at San Cristóbal of Huamanga University. Abbie is now befriended by Dr. Morrie Best.


What Is The Shining Path?
Guzman starts the 'Peoples Revolution', aka another swindle. His base is a bunch of paid mercenaries, and his two goals are, control of the drug trade, and seizing the old line wealth of Peru's elite.
Shining Path's stated goal is to replace Peruvian bourgeois institutions with a communist peasant revolutionary regime. For the next twelve years, he killed the country's elite, intelligentsia, and even peasants that opposed his drug operations.

Shining Path Massacre At Ayacucho
It appears that, in their campaign of terror, they killed a hundred farmers outside the town of Ayacucho. The farmers worked for rival druglords.

Doctor's Testimony
But I also found it difficult to persuade anyone by means of words of the reality of what I had seen: most people nodded and thought I had finally gone mad. On the plane back from Peru, I delighted a worker for Amnesty International  when I described what I had seen Sendero (Shining Path) do, incomparably worse, I might as well have talked to him of sea monsters, and of giant squid that could drag nuclear submarines to the depths.
Dead Villagers
Farmers were petrified, and quit Guzman's competitors.
Shining Path Kill The Bourgeoisie
Guzman had his 'Guerrillas' kill the land owners, in the name of the Revolution.
It was very similar to what Nicholas Hoogstratten did in Zimbabwe. Hoogstratten backed Mugabe, and had him run out the white farmers. As soon as they were gone, Hoogstratten then bought up the farms from the state for pennies.
Massacre At Paradise
The town, and it's valley became the source of 60% of the world's coca leaves. Guzman, and his Shining Path,  burst into the town and killed the Peruvian Drug Lords.
Hundreds were killed in a legendary battle which prompted the government to launch a full-scale assault on the Guzman's Maoists.

Guzman And His Car Bombs
His communist party gained control of the trade unions by killing their leaders.
Countless political leaders met their death by the Shining Path. Abimael Guzman and his guerrillas killed over 70,000 during their 12-year rebellion.


Lori Berenson Kobeloff
A New Yorker, the daughter of two radical professors, went to Peru, to rejuvenate the Maoist movement. She was arrested, sentenced to life in prison, and sits in a Peruvian prison, despite pleas from Eli Weisel, and others. Whatever she did, to get a life sentence, had to be hideous.

In 1996, Zionists hatched a plot, using Tupac Amaru Marxist terrorists, where rebels held 77  hostages at the Japanese embassy in Lima. They demanded Kobeloff be released, but Peruvian commandos pulled an amazing rescue off.


It's Just About Stealing Wealth
Hire some mercenaries, recruit some peasants, declare a revolution, and have the media create the story. In this episode, the Zionists grab Peru's drug trade, the elite's wealth, and control the government and jobs.
In America, they use the stock market to transfer wealth, and in Iraq, they use Death Squads.

Kick over a rock!

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