Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lindbergh's Anti Semitic Genes Were Inherited From The Father

Phillip Roth Is The Conscious Of American Jewry
His book reveals the plot

A Younger Brooding Roth Started As A Writer Of Racy Novels

Exploring The World If Lindbergh Was President In 1940
A brief look at how the world would be if Charles Lindbergh had been president. Zionist knew the timing was critical, that Lindberg, like John Kennedy Jr, would derail their years of planning. Henry Ford saw Lindbergh as the President in 1940, and the America First party was ready.
The killing of the Lindbergh baby may have been justified.

Gilad Atzmon A Famous Writer Comments
Gilad put off reading the masterpiece, 'The Plot Against America",  but as fellow Jews urged him to read it, and think of Iran, and the next election. We can't afford a Lindbergh at this juncture, we need a Roosevelt.

Who Is Phillip Roth
'Roth is an astonishing and enormous talent,' screeches the NY Times. His approach of seeing the 1940 America through the eyes of a seven yr old Jewish boy, and his clannish family, living in a country run by President Lindbergh is  pure genius. 

Roth's First Best Seller
Roth who was in psychoanalysis, wrote the book from the point-of-view of a Jewish teen on the analyst's couch.As a typical Woody Allen type he confesses to his psychiatrist his puberty-ridden obsession with masturbation and his relationship with Sophie, his over-possessive mother. "Then came adolescence - half my waking life spent locked behind the bathroom door masturbating, his mother banging on it, or  fantasizing as he fondled the soiled clothes in the laundry hamper.
Even though many of  his Jewish readers feigned outrage, it was one of the best sellers of the 1960s.


Roth Senses The Seed Of Hatred Is Genetic
Lindbergh's father was a senator from Minnesota, an isolationist, defamed the Rothchild crowd's 'Federal Reserve' scheme, and blame Jews for dragging America intoWW1.

1927 Lindbergh Flies The Atlantic
Americans see Lindbergh as the symbol of America.

The "Devil's Brew"
Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh at the Ford Airport in 1927.
In 1927, Charles Lindbergh visited Henry Ford after his solo flight across the Atlantic and gave Ford his first and only airplane ride, in the “Spirit of St. Louis.”  Lindbergh later became the nation’s first chief commercial pilot – for Ford Motor Company.

Lindbergh Was 25 Years Old
He was born in 1902, and is given the Medal of Honor in 1927.

Something Had To Be Done
This was a pivotal time in Zionist's plans, WW-2 and Roosevelt could have been derailed.

It Was 1932
The 'Jekyll Island' group of Warburg,  Baruch, and Rothschild had the Federal Reserve tighten credit which caused the 1929 collapse, just as Augustus Lindbergh Sr said they would. The Bolsheviks moved fast and threw Roosevelt of New York at the public.

The 1940 Election
Phillip Roth's book starts with Lindbergh assuming the presidency.


Lindbergh's Assumes The Presidency
He then signs non-aggression treaties with Germany and Japan. Soon enough the charismatic Lindbergh is cheered by American society as a whole. Every American loves him except of course the Jews who are far from being happy with a ‘peace loving’ president who happens to make business with the enemies of the Jewish people. 

1941 New Jersey
Phillip Goldstein, his father Herman, sister Sandy, mother Esther, watch as Lindbergh befriends the Germans, and betrays the Jews.

The Goldsteins Go To Washington
When the father tries to check in to three hotels he is told,  "We are all filled up." Anti Semitism is rampant everywhere.

1942 Van Rippentrop
Rippentrop flies to Washington, together Lindbergh and him engineer the 'Jewish relocation' plans.


Jews Are Sent To Rural Ghettos
Lindbergh felt the Jews were dangerous in groups so they were put on trains and sent to 'Relocation Camps.'

Jews Flock To Canada
Countless Jewish boys cross into Canada, where they have the opportunity to join the Canadians and fight Hitler.

Walter Winchell
The Jewish commentator has had enough so he runs for the presidency in 1944, but a Nazi sympathizer assassinates him.

Lindbergh Disappears
President Lindbergh is said to have flown to Germany, but ordinary Americans feel he was assassinated by the Jews. The book ends with Mass Pograms, where angry Americans take blood vengeance, and wipe out American Jewry.



A True Tale Of Horror
Just picture Hitler invading Russia, over running Stalingrad, and stringing up the Bolsheviks. Next, the Nazis head west, wiping out all remnants of European Jewry. In American Heir Lindbergh has his own extermination camps in Utah, Montana, and throughout the rural west.

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